Maine’s recent drought illustrated the need to balance competing needs for water, and to protect the fish and wildlife in our lakes and rivers. Under current law, businesses that use large amounts of water, such as for irrigation or snowmaking, do not have to report it. This bill requires that Continue...
Places responsibility for energy conservation programs with the Public Utilities Commission. Previously utility companies managed the programs, but since the industry was deregulated in 1998, their profits have depended on energy consumption. Recently, Central Maine Power had vugorously promoted consumption.
Requires that mercury light switches be collected and recycled from cars and trucks at the end of their useful lives. The goal is to prevent an estimated 90 pounds of mercury from getting into our environment each year because it is highly poisonous.
A fertilizer has been sold in Maine even though it contains high levels of both lead and arsenic, both of which are poisonous. Made from mining waste, Ironite has more than ten times the amount of arsenic deemed by the state of California to be a health hazard. The better Continue...