An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June (2021)

While the supplemental budget addresses all aspects of state government and would ordinarily not be included in this Scorecard, this year we included it because it uniquely benefits environmental protection, climate action, and voting rights.

  • For the first time, the Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program, typically funded through bonding, received a $40 million appropriation to be spent over four years in the supplemental budget. LMF secures public access to beloved mountains, lakes, rivers, and shorelines in all 16 counties. LMF also supports Maine’s traditional industries, as the program has conserved 315,000 acres of working forest, 9,700 acres of productive farmland, and two dozen working waterfront sites from York to Lubec. Conserving forests, open space, waterfronts, and farmland is an effective way to mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration and is in line with goals included in Maine’s Climate Action Plan calls such as conserving 30% of Maine’s land by 2030. Additionally, every dollar of LMF funding is matched by other funds. Notably, The Great American Outdoors Act passed by Congress last year made $900 million available to conserve working forests and ensure access to outdoor recreation for every American, and Maine stands to draw as much as $40 million per year from this federal fund.

Other LD 221 budget highlights:

  • Nineteen positions are funded to address PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) contamination across the state, and an additional $30 million is allocated for cleanup and the identification of PFAS contaminated sites.
  • Over $5 million is allocated for emissions reductions planning, community climate projects, municipal resilience planning, and grants.
  • Four positions are funded to support partnerships and plan for sea level rise.
  • Five new positions in the Governor's Energy Office will be funded to address climate change and advance clean energy solutions, including offshore wind.
  • With three new positions, the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future will develop programs to help communities reduce emissions, build climate resilience, and advance innovation in the clean energy sector.
  • The budget also includes funding for a state forest carbon project that will map carbon uptake and storage provided by Maine’s forest ecosystems.
  • Ensured that seniors and disabled Mainers can automatically sign up to receive absentee ballots for every election.

Senate Votes

District Name Vote
31 Donna Bailey
9 Joseph Baldacci
19 Richard Bennett
17 Russell J. Black
25 Catherine Breen
30 Stacy Brenner
29 Anne M. Carney
27 Benjamin M. Chipman
20 Ned Claxton
11 Chip Curry E
16 Scott W. Cyrway
24 Matthea Elisabeth Larsen Daughtry
4 Paul T. Davis
32 Susan A. Deschambault
26 Bill Diamond
5 James F. Dill
3 Bradlee Thomas Farrin
10 Stacey K. Guerin
14 Craig V. Hickman
1 Troy Dale Jackson
18 Lisa Keim
35 Mark W. Lawrence
21 Nathan L. Libby
13 Chloe Maxmin
12 David R. Miramant
6 Marianne Moore
15 Matthew G. Pouliot
34 Joseph Rafferty
8 Kimberley C. Rosen
2 Trey Stewart
22 Jeffrey L. Timberlake
23 Eloise A. Vitelli
33 David C. Woodsome

House Votes

District Name Vote
138 Robert W. Alley, Sr.
73 John Andrews
65 Amy Bradstreet Arata
49 Poppy Arford
67 Susan M. W. Austin
8 Christopher W. Babbidge
27 Kyle Bailey
47 Arthur Bell
149 Susan Bernard
55 Seth A. Berry
63 Bruce A. Bickford
22 Mark John Blier
3 Lydia Blume
80 Richard T. Bradstreet
36 Michael F. Brennan
61 Heidi E. Brooks
24 Mark E. Bryant
28 Christopher James Caiazzo
127 Barbara A. Cardone
16 Nathan Carlow
137 Meldon Carmichael
68 Richard M. Cebra
60 Kristen Sarah Cloutier
106 Amanda Collamore
42 Benjamin T. Collings
58 Jonathan Connor
14 Lynn Copeland
25 Patrick W. Corey
100 Danny Edward Costain
90 Lydia Crafts
59 Margaret M. Craven
43 W. Edward Crockett
98 Scott W. Cuddy
72 Kathleen R. J. Dillingham
97 Janice S. Dodge
85 Donna R. Doore
94 Victoria W. Doudera
130 Kathy Downes
121 Gary A. Drinkwater
111 John "Jack" Ducharme A
122 Michelle Ann Dunphy
91 Jeffrey Evangelos
120 Richard Evans
136 Billy Bob Faulkingham
66 Jessica L. Fay
11 Ryan M. Fecteau
104 Steven D. Foster
93 Valli Geiger
9 Traci Gere
142 Jeffery Allen Gifford
13 Lori K. Gramlich
82 Randall Adam Greenwood
102 Abigail W. Griffin
118 Chad Wayne Grignon
132 Nicole Grohoski
101 David G. Haggan
114 Randall C. Hall
87 Jeffery P. Hanley
83 Thom Harnett
19 Matthew A. Harrington
81 Tavis Hasenfus
117 Frances M. Head
53 Allison Hepler
131 Sherman H. Hutchins
4 Patricia Hymanson
141 Kathy Irene Javner
145 Chris A. Johansen
32 Christopher J. Kessler
99 MaryAnne Kinney
20 Theodore Joseph Kryzak Jr. A
113 H. Scott Landry Jr.
88 Michael Lemelin
64 Laurel Libby
37 Grayson Lookner
129 Peter A. Lyford
74 Sheila Lyman
110 Colleen M. Madigan
151 John L. Martin
57 Thomas H. Martin
150 Roland Danny Martin
56 Richard G. Mason
1 Kristi Mathieson
92 Ann Higgins Matlack
148 David Harold McCrea
51 Joyce McCreight
134 Genevieve McDonald
62 Gina M. Melaragno
2 Michele Meyer
30 Rebecca J. Millett
71 H. Sawin Millett Jr.
33 Victoria E. Morales
45 Stephen W. Moriarty
75 Joshua Morris
78 Cathy R. Nadeau
76 Daniel Newman
128 Kevin O'Connell
5 Beth A. O'Connor
15 Margaret M. O'Neil
23 Lester S. Ordway
123 Laurie Osher
10 Wayne R. Parry
52 Sean C. Paulhus A
133 Sarah Pebworth
77 Michael D. Perkins
140 Anne C. Perry
124 Joseph C. Perry Sr.
116 Richard A. Pickett
44 Teresa S. Pierce
95 William D. Pluecker
107 Jennifer Poirier
17 Dwayne W. Prescott
144 Tracy Quint
31 Lois Galgay Reckitt
34 Morgan Rielly
69 Walter N. Riseman
6 Tiffany Roberts-Lovell
7 Timothy Roche
125 Amy Roeder
108 Shelley Rudnicki
48 Melanie Sachs
35 Suzzane Salisbury
21 Heidi H. Sampson
46 Braden Sharpe A
12 Erin Sheehan
143 Peggy Jo Stanley
119 Paul A. Stearns
105 Joel R. Stetkis
89 Holly B. Stover
126 Laura Supica
39 Michael A. Sylvester
40 Rachel Talbot Ross
54 Denise A. Tepler
26 Maureen Fitzgerald Terry
79 Timothy S. Theriault
103 James Thorne
50 Ralph L. Tucker
139 William R. Tuell
18 John L. Tuttle A
147 Joseph Underwood
70 Nathan J. Wadsworth
84 Charlotte Warren
29 Sophia Warren
146 Dustin Michael White
109 Bruce A. White
135 Lynne Williams
38 Barbara Wood
41 Samuel Zager
96 Stanley Paige Zeigler, Jr.